On December 20 I decided to get a head start on one of my goals for 2020 - completing the 100 days of code challenge. The idea behind the challenge is simple - code for at least an hour a day, every day, for 100 days. You can code in any language or languages you want to learn, and your learning plan can be as structured or unstructured as you like.
Here’s roughly how mine broke down:
Days 1- 3
Responsive Web Design on freecodedamp
Days 4 - 17
Javascript on freecodedamp
Days 18 - 21
Frontend libraries on freecodedamp
Days 22 - 24
CSS layouts course on designcode.io
Days 25 - 27
Greensock animation course on designcode.io
Days 29 - 32
React for Designers course on designcode.io
Days 33 - 40
Creative Coding course on SueprHi
Days 43 - 52
Experimental JavaScript course on on SueprHi
Days 53 - 65
Random SueprHi tutorials and working on my project page
Days 66 - 76
Experimental JavaScript course on on SueprHi
Days 77 - 88
Ajax and APIs course on on SueprHi
Days 89 - 98
JavaScript for Designers course on SueprHi
Days 99-100
Putting the finishing touches on this project page
In the past 100 days I’ve:
Learned a lot of JavaScript
Gotten more comfortable with HTML and CSS
Learned tools like Git, Github, Netlify, Hyper, VS Code, Contentful, and various APIs
Learned a little bit of Sass, Bootstrap, jQuery, React, Greensock, Web GL, and Ajax
Experimented with different JavaScript libraries, including two.js, three.js, matter.js, and PIXI.js.
What’s next?
I need a bit of a break from the daily hustle right now, but I’m nowhere near done learning.
I still have a handful of SuperHi courses to finish, plus a new course launching this month I want to take.
I’d also like to do the JS 30 at some point, and possibly some sort of CSS challenge as well.
I want to spend more time working on projects that don’t involve following tutorials, and will probably start by using my new skills to update my portfolio.
Sounds like that might be enough for another 100 day challenge...Stay tuned!